How I use crystals (and my favourites)

I first got into using crystals about two years ago, when I was going through a really dark time in my life. What first struck me, before I even knew what they were used for or how they worked, was their beauty. Bringing anything you find beautiful into your space is sure to raise the vibration and attract more beauty into your life – like attracts like!
I keep a lot of natural things in my space such as shells and pebbles from the beach, plants and flowers and crystals are a wonderful way to enhance the positive energy in your space.
I’m very drawn to Rose Quartz, their energy is extremely soothing and I find them to be really comforting. They’re used to attract love to your life – not necessarily just romantically but also to enhance self-love and bring you feelings of peace whilst you are working on yourself and healing. There’s one right next to me whilst I’m writing this. I find them so comforting and lovely.

Here’s a relatively short and sweet list of how I like to use my crystals. I’ve also included my favourites, but really it’s best to just trust your vibes and get whatever ones you feel drawn to. Trust your intuition. As soon as you know what you’d like to use crystals for, you’ll be drawn to the ‘right’ ones. 🙂

1) Meditation

I use crystals for meditation to help clear and calm my mind. Choose any stone that ‘calls to you’ at the time. It’s best to go with your intuition. Meditation has really helped my anxiety and improve my mood in general, and crystals always make me feel happier and calming whilst meditating. Try it!


2) Put them in your pockets

You can, of course, take your crystals with you wherever you go. That’s what I love about little crystals and stones – you can keep them in your pockets, so you have their beautiful energy with you wherever you go. I like to bring Black Tourmaline with me whenever I feel like I need some extra protection. And stones like Blue Lace Agate and Lepidolite are great for releasing stress and anxiety, if you know you’re going to be in an anxiety inducing situation, keep those nearby! I also like to keep Citrine in my purse, it’s known as the money or merchant’s stone, and is always wonderful when you’re looking to bring more abundance into your life – always!


3) Keep them next to your bed or under your pillow

I like to keep an Amethyst stone under my pillow. Amethysts are known for bringing you good dreams and helping you sleep. I find their energy very comforting and soothing. Selenite is popular to help with sleep as it surrounds your body with a protective energy whilst you sleep. You can also use Quartz Crystal to ensure you have good dreams – it’s also an energising and activating stone so it will help magnify the energies of the Amethyst and Selenite.

4) Use them to ground yourself and relieve anxiety

Crystals are wonderful tools for helping ground yourself and relieve stress/anxiety. I often need to ground myself as I find with being an empath I’m often stuck in my head and my feels. I love using Red Jasper to ground myself, as it balances the human aura by removing negative energies. It’s used for working on the Root Chakra and increases your personal energy, helping to balance out your physical and emotional bodies. Hematite is another wonderful stone you can use to ground yourself as it’s magnetic energy leaves you feeling balanced and calm and firmly planted onto Mama Earth. I also love using Tiger’s Eye to help with my anxiety, as it’s very calming and is also known for helping bring clarity and help you make decisions with a clear, unclouded mind.


5) Help aches and pains

Every crystal has different healing properties. I like to use Moonstone when I’m suffering from Menstrual Cramps and Selenite or Amethyst if I’ve got a bad headache. Selenite and Amethyst are good for everything, really. You can google the name of any crystal you buy and quickly find whatever healing properties it has for the physical body! It’s really interesting.


6) Protect your energy

It’s really important, especially for empaths, to protect your energy. We pick up so much energy throughout the day, especially if we’re in a job where we have to interact with a lot of different people. We have to be really careful that we cleanse our auras and shield ourselves. I talk about this in another post on my blog. Check it out. The stone that is most recommended for protection against negative energies is Black tourmaline, as it creates a force field around your aura so negative energies cannot reach you. For empaths, Jet is a very powerful stone. It absorbs more energy than it gives off so if you pick up negative energy whilst wearing it, it will draw the negativity right out of your system.


7) Send love and strength to your loved ones and the universe

If I know someone I love is struggling, I like to hold my Rose Quartz in my dominant hand (my right hand since I’m right handed) and repeat in my head or out loud something like, “please send love and strength to…”
It works. Trust me. ❤

8) sned

hello ihew



Hope you’re having a wonderful day wherever you are, and please tell me what your favourite crystals are and what you use them for!

Sending much love,


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